April is enough of a challenge….

A lot of my friends on their blogs are doing the “A to Z Blog Challenge.” In a nutshell, that challenge is for the month of April, every day except for Sunday, a blog post has to be written for each letter of the alphabet. While I would love the challenge, April is not a month that I would ever attempt this.
There’s a reason for my inability to commit to a blog post for 26 consecutive days—most years, the Collie Club of America national show usually falls in April. That means April is somewhere between totally insane and OMFG! I will never get everything done before I have to leave for wherever the nationals are held this year. I just can’t commit to that kind of time and at the Nationals, I often don’t even have time to call my DH until well after midnight. And, he just isn’t very talkative when I wake him from a sound sleep after the witching hour.
Speaking of the witching hour, this year at the Nationals marks a first for me. I’ve been involved with this incredible breed and the craziness which is dog shows for thirty-five years. I’ve campaigned dogs before, but I never got a dog into the top ten for the year—until this year. I came close several times: twice with a big, tri smooth dog named “Boots” who left HUGE paw prints on my heart when he went to the Rainbow Bridge, and once with a lovely blue smooth bitch who was known as “Magic” and she truly was magic. But this year, my boy Vander will be in the ring on Wednesday night  (April 9) under the spot-lights.
Vander, known officially as Grand Champion Bandor’s The Wyching Hour, finished 2013 as the # 6 dog—all systems. And, because Vander is going to be at the Collie Club of America’s national specialty show, it means I’ll be there, too.
All this means I won’t be on the internet much next week. I’ll try to log on to check e-mail, maybe do a cursory check of Facebook, but I won’t have time to blog daily, like the A to Z Challenge would require.
So, to everyone doing that challenge, I wish you luck. I’ll catch up on the blogs when I’ve recovered from five days of being immersed in the best the collie fancy has to offer, and four days total of driving to and from this show.
Have a great week and I’ll let everyone know how we did at the collie nationals.

One thought on “April is enough of a challenge….”

  1. Sounds like a fun challenge but I too wouldn't be able to do it, as I am attempting Camp NaNo again. Although, I could use the blog word count… lol. Never mind.

    Good luck with teh shows Lynda and very cool about Vander, that is awesome. Look forward to hearing how you go 😀 Sending best of luck. Drive safe.



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